

Don Quixote is the best book out there on political theory, followed by Hamlet and Macbeth. There is no better way to understand the tragedy and the comedy of the Mexican political system than Hamlet, Macbeth and Don Quixote. They're much better than any column of political analysis.

Subcomandante Marcos

Maybe Monday
Wednesday, 27 March 2024 16:17

Maybe Monday

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in Fiction
Managers are mystics. Must be because they’re always telling the people who work for them about their fucking vision. Their fucking vision for the company, that is. Their fucking vision for the company always a trigger for what they call revised practices. A catchy little phrase meaning whatever your job…
Money & Blood
K2_PUBLISHED_ON Saturday, 24 February 2024 15:39

Money & Blood

in Fiction
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Wayne Dean-Richards is a working-class writer, and middle-class agents and publishers just cannot relate to his stories. History, in England at least, shows that to be true. He writes how people speak, disregards the limitations of grammar, the King's English, and foregrounds voice and story over erudition and purple prose.…
Their Blood-Soaked Liberty
Saturday, 09 December 2023 10:04

Their Blood-Soaked Liberty

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in Fiction
Socialist crime novels are perhaps not a genre that comes obviously to mind, either for those who read crime fiction or fans of the socialist novel. Yet a genre it is. The Belgian revolutionary Ernest Mandel was a lifelong enthusiast, writing a Marxist analysis of crime books. Pluto Press published…
The Sikh Snowman
Wednesday, 29 November 2023 10:19

The Sikh Snowman

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in Fiction
A Christmas book for the child in your life, or in yourself......... Some snowmen had topknots. Some wore football scarves and skull caps. Some had veils over their faces. One had fairy wings. They all began to sing...... Snowfall, friendship and feelings combine in this heartfelt and celebratory story about…
Small Infinities
Wednesday, 16 August 2023 13:54

Small Infinities

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in Fiction
Introduction By Fran Lock Small Infinities is an appropriate title for a book – and an author – so enamoured of outlandish juxtaposition, paradox, and contradiction. While one useful description of this collection is as a work of socialist science – or “weird” – fiction, another is as broadly metaphysical.…
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