Sally Flint, Virginia Baily and Mike Quille have edited a new anthology of various kinds of writing on the subject of the climate crisis and capitalism. It is... Continue reading
Let’s pretend it’s butter by Sally Flint ‘It all starts with stability around access to food.’ – Marcus Rashford After the adrenaline rush of not knowing if her... Continue reading
Sally Flint calls for submissions to this new anthology of poems, stories, science writing and images, a collaboration between Culture Matters and Riptide Journal (University of Exeter) ‘We... Continue reading
Because There Is No Planet B by Sally Flint WE MARCH to the square, as if we might clear the atmosphere’s carbon overload by shouting: It’s not too... Continue reading
Revolution by Sally Flint Top of Google it’s a wine bar, a game,a make-up range. I recall science lessons ‒to rotate, twirl, circuit, cycle, orbit.It’s the Earth... Continue reading