Poldark series All men were born in the same way: no privilege existed which was not of man’s own contriving.Winston Graham Ross Poldark (1945) Introduction The recent drama, Victoria (2016-2019) on... Continue reading
Jamaican cop confronts Scotland Yard in Get Millie Black Part 2 Honourable Mention Operation Sabre—A tight, taut Serbian series which recounts how a Prime Minister falls victim... Continue reading
Big Tech Regulator Lina Khan, out with the good air, in with the bad The year in the media, both in the streaming business and in broadcasting... Continue reading
Mr. Bates and the Post Office Part 1 It has been a strange television season. The general trend continues from last year – trimming and cutting back... Continue reading
Dennid Broe concludes his analysis of reactionary reflexivity by focusing on TV news coverage Nowhere is the hardening of the once playful strategy of reflexivity discussed in... Continue reading
Part One of two articles on the modern media, by Dennis Broe. Image above: The New York Times: Is Any of Their News Fit to Print? There was... Continue reading
While the Doctor became Ncuti Gatwa way back in The Giggle, Ncuti Gatwa only became the Doctor with the Saturday-night debut of this episode. The actor’s abilities... Continue reading
HBO’s The Sympathizer, from the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Viet Thanh Nguyen, opens with a quote: “All wars are fought twice, once on the battlefield and the... Continue reading
Dennis Broe previews some upcoming TV series. Image above: Machine, now streaming on Arte What follows are a few global series worth watching in the coming months, along... Continue reading
Dennis Broe explains the decline in the quality as well as quantity of streamed series, and the exploitative use of Artifical Intelligence by the industry. Photo above: SORA’s... Continue reading