Photo: Marcus and his brother Jahziah
by Nick Moss
History repeats, ploughs on unceasing,
Another dying man, another father,
Brother, friend shot dead .
Cold, Christmas-crisp air
And Marcus Meade,
Local hero in 2003
Is killed by cops
24th December 2024.
This is what always happens
When societies are staked
On the fact that those of us
Poor, non-white, vulnerable
Draw breath that has less value.
West Mercia police, alerted that there’s concern
A man may be about to take his own life
Decide to end it for him.
Maybe they were sick of the cold
Maybe they were late for the Xmas party
Or maybe they tore up s136 *
Because if you’re bruk-pocket,
Mind-wracked , tormented ,
A place of safety for you
In a world like this
Doesn’t exist. Will never exist.
For Marcus Meade’s family
The chill now not just seasonal
Annual ice-glare reminder
Of gunshots and cop lies
And there will no justice .No safety.
No security. From us a son is taken
And no saviour coming .
Save ourselves.
Section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983 allows police to take someone to a “place of safety” if you appear to have a mental disorder and you are “in need of immediate care or control” (meaning the police think it is necessary to keep you or others safe).
For Marcus Meade and the family and friends of Marcus Meade, shot dead by West Mercia Police, 24th December 2024.
Marcus’s younger brother Jahziah Reade has started a GoFundMe page at to help the family meet the funeral costs for Marcus.