Welcome to Culture Matters
I will not cease from mental fight
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green and pleasant land.
– William Blake
Culture Matters is part of our cultural struggle or ‘mental fight’ against class divisions, to achieve a cultural commons in a socialist society – a new Jerusalem, as William Blake called it, and not only in England, but across the world. As you can see from the About Us section, we aim to promote a progressive political approach to the arts and all other cultural activities.
You’ll find recent material on this Home page, and every piece sent in since our launch a couple of years ago is available under the relevant topic sections in the Arts and Culture Hubs.
Everything on Culture Matters – articles, poems, images, editorial and technical support – has been contributed freely. We are a registered co-operative, rooted in the labour movement, and apart from managing this website we publish books, run Arts Awards in partnership with trade unions. If you would like to help with this work, please visit Shop & Support. You’re also welcome to contribute articles, essays, poems and artworks to info@culturematters.org.uk.
We hope you enjoy browsing the site, and that you find it entertaining, enlightening and inspiring. Culture Matters!